Monday, September 5, 2011


"Before it cloud, Christ lord, and sour with sinning,
Innocent mind and Mayday in girl and boy"
Gerard Manley Hopkins

The central purpose of this poem is to portray how spring is like a clean slate to nature. It's like Eden's garden "before it cloy," meaning, before it is overused and spoiled. The quote above compares springtime to Christ, who is pure. When there are clouds though, there is sin, and the innocence/cleanliness that once existed is lost. In a way, this poem reminds me of the complete opposite season, winter. When it snows, the ground is pure white, and untouched. But once the animals come scurrying around through it, it soon becomes dirty, messy, and uneven. In springtime, the trees are blooming, the sky is a pretty blue, and it's just the beginning of the life that is to come. Spring symbolizes a new beginning, and new life, similar to how Jesus symbolizes new life. After a long harsh winter, spring is welcomed and seen as a fresh new start. But as the clouds set in and the novelty wears off, the mood soon changes and the 'innocence' of it is lost. It can be compared to how Jesus symbolizes life for us, but when we disregard His ways, we sin, and lose sight of the blessings He brings to us.

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