Monday, June 27, 2011

Man vs. Nature

"There was something desperate, almost insane, about the sharp spasmodic yelps to which they now gave utterance. Their little bodies twitched and stiffened; their limbs moved jerkily as if to the tug of unseen wires." pg 21

The way the Centre experiments with the children is scary. They give the babies instinctive hatreds of random things like book and flowers. Why they do this I'm not exactly sure. The Director though is very proud of what he has done. He says, "What man has joined nature is powerless to put asunder." The Director practically sees himself as superior to nature because of the ways in which he can play with developing minds. So far this Centre seems corrupt to me-Take for example the way the students take note of every single word that comes out of 'the horse's (Director's) mouth,'- everyone looks up to him like he is a powerful leader that knows all. I want to know what's occurring outside of this Centre...are there more centres like this one? Since parents are obviously out of the picture, are families simply nonexistant? It sounds like the people don't have much choice on how to live their lifes so far.

1 comment:

  1. you mention that you're not sure why they train babies to hate books and flowers....that gets explained on the next few pages.
