Friday, July 8, 2011


"As if one believed anything by instinct! One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them" pg 235

These past two chapters have explained all about the 'utopia' and why ideas and beliefs were changed to fit the new world. Mustapha Mond brings up some strong points, and I found it all to be really interesting, especially the part about God above^. Mond said that people only believe in God because that's what they are taught, which is really true. I've been brought up to believe God, so I accept that religion. It may not always be the case that people will accept what they are brought up by, but for the most part, people will follow to what they are accustomed. Thinking about all of this is kinda hurting my brain... Mond keeps making really firm points, and then I want to agree with John because his beliefs are similar to today's world. I do agree with John when he argues about the importance of instability, because human mistake is essential to our nature. Last year in English class I remember writing an essay about how humans are "coded for error," and how these errors actually help us in the long run and encourage success. I suppose success is another aspect that only impedes on the stability of the society though. Well in all, I'm really glad this discussion is in the book, otherwise I would still be wondering what half of the reasoning is behind the changed world.

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